Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013

We opened our garage up again this year made root beer and soup 
and then trick or treated.
The kids did Napolean Dynamite this year.
 Ezra did not want to be Pedro, so we put a batman shirt under his collared shirt and told him he was Bruce Wayne. Nan helped make Deb's so awesome sleeves, and then we just did an iron on for Rowdy's shirt.

 We just had a little left over black harispray and I wanted to wear a mu-mu so I'm Pedro's mom

 Cody went as the Kiss guy. This is pretty much Cody's favorite purchase this year

 The picture is somewhere, but to carve out our pumpkins Cody put a beater on the end of his electric drill.
 A face only a mother could love
We had a bon-fire in our driveway and the Carmacks & Byrds came over after a homecoming parade.
It was a fun evening.