Rowdy asked me to wake him up a little early he wanted to go work on an extra curricular recycling project with a buddy at school this morning. So he got all ready by himself made breakfast himself and read us the scriptures while I got his lunch stuff ready. Then he rode his bike to school to work on his project! I'm so thankful over and over that He's such a trustworthy boy. He does have his moments of weakness, but He is such a good kid. & because he is obedient and careful it opens the doors for us to be able to trust him more. I'm sure that's how Heavenly Father feels about us.
Then Ezra is like the sweetest funniest kindergartner. I can't believe this year is almost over. I rode him down to school on our bikes, which he is passionate about. (He says he does not like walking!) And he made it up the big hill without even stopping. I thought,"yep he got it, just in time for first grade." Then I had a moment watching him pedal away. He must've know. He didn't look back but he yelled ,"I love you Mom!" aww my sweet cuddly innocent boy. I can't believe how fast time is flying by. Ezra has a way of making people feel loved just right when they need it. His funny thing he does right now is, "First present," (he kisses me, he pulls my face down) "second present" (hug. he reaches my waist with his arms, or I'm squatting down) "third present" (then he kisses and hugs me at the same time). Melts my heart and makes me giggle. The other day everyone chowed down dinner and went to play on the trampoline. Ive been trying to get people to stay at the table so I can rest my feet after the dinner rush and we can talk more. Ezra just stayed and talked to me about his day. It was so cute, and I needed it right then.
Elliot is turning a corner, being so much nicer to people. Especially her brothers. Ezra and her have been such good friends lately and it is making our home so much happier. I think he is starting to give her a little more time and consideration. She is with Ollie and I all day occasionally other friends. and when the boys come home she just wants their attention and if they don't give it to her sometimes she can be disruptive to whatever they are doing. She does have a sweet heart though. Everybody needs to feel loved by their peers. She likes to pretend she is a cat or a horse and we are the "pet Owners" She loves trying to help take care of Ollie, although sometimes she is a little rough. She still adores her Daddy, so I am always feeling the love when she picks me, or doesn't throw a fit about not doing Dad stuff, or sitting right next to him.
Ollie's birthday is this week. What a gem of a kid. He is so adorable. He makes the best faces and is so cute to everyone. He is starting to sign and talk and babbles all the time. My favorite are his kisses because I think he saves them to really show love. He doesn't kiss just anyone. So when he kisses us its really special. He was falling asleep on my chest one night, i had him in my room so he didn't wake up Elliot & Paisley. He was almost asleep and he popped his head up crawled up to my face kisses me twice and laid right back down. IT was the best. Then yesterday He hadn't seen Cody for a while and we discovered he was awake in bed and Ollie went to him and just hugged him so hard. It was so so so sweet. He knows a lot more than he can say. I am so glad he is in our family.
I'm so glad they are all in our family. It's crazy around here A LOT. but I know "I'm gonna miss this." This is a special time of my life. We have a lot of meltdowns and disagreements but we also have a lot of victories and teaching moments and life lessons. What a wonderful group of people to be growing with.