Ezra turned 3 months old on the thirteenth. and its been so busy around here I forgot to mention it. This is my favorite festive picture of him.
He is fun when he is awake too!
He coos and gurgles if you look him in the eye. and he is pretty easy to make smile.
He seems to have gotten over his 7 o'clock fussy time
He likes to be swaddled all snuggly tight to fall asleep. and if you put a little bit of the blanket touching his face he is out pretty quick.
He will take a passifier and likes to chew on his fingers. He drools a lot. He was taking a bottle pretty well until this week:(
He wakes up about twice a night still. It just depends on the night. He still has thrush which has resulted in some hilarious purple faces.(you know that icky medicine)
He likes applesauce;) and Lynda because she gives him applesauce.
and He weighs about 19 lbs!
We are thankful he chose us. Happy tres meses Ezra
He coos and gurgles if you look him in the eye. and he is pretty easy to make smile.
He seems to have gotten over his 7 o'clock fussy time
He likes to be swaddled all snuggly tight to fall asleep. and if you put a little bit of the blanket touching his face he is out pretty quick.
He will take a passifier and likes to chew on his fingers. He drools a lot. He was taking a bottle pretty well until this week:(
He wakes up about twice a night still. It just depends on the night. He still has thrush which has resulted in some hilarious purple faces.(you know that icky medicine)
He likes applesauce;) and Lynda because she gives him applesauce.
and He weighs about 19 lbs!
We are thankful he chose us. Happy tres meses Ezra
What a great picture. It sure has been fun getting to know little Ezra.
I can't believe that Ezra and Jenna are both 3 months-time sure flies by fast. It sounds like Ezra is good at going to sleep at night-what is your secret? Jenna used to be good, but now it's hard to get her to sleep and she just cries. I think it's because she won't fall asleep in the day and so she is extra tired at night. Does Ezra take naps and if so how do you get him to fall asleep. I mean I love the company of Jenna, but I want her to sleep during the day because she needs to. I am getting pretty frustrated. Luckily she only wakes up about 2 times in the night, or else I would be a very unhappy mother. Please impart your wisdom to me!
What a cutie. That's such a sweet picture of him too. They sure grow up fast.
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