Monday, September 12, 2011

Elliot 10 mo

Happy 10 months ElliotShe is getting so big. She is in the vacuum stage. She has been crawling most of the month. She just started saying "more" with her hands. She does the cutest little wave with just three of her fingers to say, "Hi".

If I can't find her I go to the toy room and she is usually standing up on something playing with toys. Cars and balls are her favorites (and the new monkey :)

Likes to explore..and taste new things

and her brothers do her hair

(here the styling tool was the shop vac)

Love you Miss Elliot


Tiffanie said...

she is soooo cute Celeste!! I need to call you and catch up!

Letti said...

She is getting so big! I can't believe she is walking along things already. She sure is cute!