Had a sonogram today to check the baby's weight. Its April 17th I am "Due" May 17th but hes is already 7.14. Dr. Wai thinks he will probably come a little early.
Aww. I love this picture. I think he's going to have Cody's eyelashes
I wasn't feeling too hot after my Dr.'s appointment. Need to get things a little more in order I guess. I had my littles at preschool and a friend's house and so it was just Cody and I... finally :) we got to spend a good hour together then he got called in ;) better than nothing.
It was Chloe's birthday dinner. I was debating because I wasn't feeling very good, but I'm glad we went.
Small Med and Extra Large :)

Due: Syd- September, Iya- August, me- May? maybe April? :)
Ezra and Elliot spent the night at Nan's house so Rowdy and I had a mini date.
He is a read-aholic these days though. He read most of our ride in the car. He has found a Tree House series he really likes and is trying to finish the series before school gets out for summer. He goes to the school library at least every other day to get 2 new books :)
He also had a fundraiser run today and ran almost 3 miles! for the fundraiser he just wanted the prizes so I told him I'd give him 5 bucks to either put toward the boosterthon (we had already pledged a very decent amount of $) or he could take it to the dollar store and buy some of his own prizes. So he chose the latter. and It melted my heart he spent half of it on Ezra and Elliot. He is a sweet big brother. But really all 3 of these kids are so sweet to each other (most of the time :). It makes my heart happy. He is loving the story of Captain Moroni and so we read in bed together and he actually came up with a really beautiful principle from the story.
I was recently reminded from Conference about the power of the Book of Mormon so I've tried to be better at helping my kids understand it and there is a noticeable difference in the feeling of our home the days we get to really read together. Its like magic :)
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