Tuesday, April 28, 2015

letter 4/28/15


So Good to hear from you tonight!! I'll write a better letter soon. But we had to represent tonight (even though our team was a lil embarassing  ☺️) 
Love you! Have a great week,
Elder Bowler!! 
It's so good hearing from you this week. your good energy is contagious here too! You are making me happy! And that's such a good reminder to be happy around other people. Sometimes I get a little too comfy in my zone of people but I need to be more friendly and put myself out there. We are revisiting our family mission plan this week. That cheesecake Atheist guy feels the spirit around you! He just doesn't know it what it is!! :) that's so awesome and it's so cool the members are getting you teaching appointments. It is so good to be busy with the work! Have you ever been so good tired in your life?!! The spirit sucks it out of ya ;)

Things are good here. Cody has never gotten called back to Tulsa or any place wierd! Our prayers have definitely been answered there. The kids are good. Rowdy was over the moon he got to see the national team play Mexico (I think Cody was too) he wants to play soccer all the time but he's only played 3 games and the seasons almost over! Just because of weather or soggy fields. Texans are a little overprotective of their grass. Ezra is hilarious... All the time. His school was having a super hero fundraiser. He wanted to dress up like a ninja turtle (of course I had just given his old green jeans to the thrift store ) and he would not accept that a ninja turtle would be wearing jeans so he comes out wearing some of Elliot's green leggings. "Mom! These are soooo comfortable!"  Just don't make it a habit buddy! He totally ended up winning a very informal costume contest & a free large pizza. He was the happiest kid on the planet. Elliot is being super nice to everyone. She loves her cowgirl boots she has some pink n brown ones that are on their last leg. Cody found some pink & white ones and now her favorite thing she is very animate about wearing one of each. we call them her chocolate & vanilla boots. Ollie is so smart copying everyone and learning words here n there. Sign language and a few word words. My favorite is when he tries to chirp when he hears the birds outside of our window (we have a nest of swallows) he hasn't  been feeling good the past few days but hopefully his lil body is getting it figured out. 
Ok friend. Super good to hear from you! Love you and are praying for your success. Thanks for the letters. I know Heavenly Father is answering our prayers. We watched the widow of Nain(one of the bible videos) watch it when you can it looks like Christ is walking with a purpose into the city. He arrives right as this widow is going to bury her only son. Christ blesses him & he rises from the dead. Then she bears her testimony. And Christ leaves. It was almost as if he came all the way there just for her. It touched me because I know he will. For any of us. He is there. Even though we may feel small or insignificant. He knows. 
Love you Elder Bowler,
Keep up the happy! 

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