Monday, September 21, 2015

letter 9/21/15

So good to hear from you!! Sorry we've been slacking big time. But we love getting your letters & hearing how you are doing. Rowdy got baptized a few weeks ago we handed out invitations to dome non member friends and got to give away 2 book of Mormons, the spirit was awesome!! One of the books went to Santa! ;) remember the guy who is a van driver at work, his wife seemed stoked about it. I need to follow up. If nothing else they totally had sweet spirit exposure to the church. Ollie is waddling around pretending to talk, but he says some stuff, chick (for chickens he chases them & it's awesome and hilarious. Elliot is going to preschool and just started soccer. She kicks the ball good but is a tiny bit timid getting in there, but can you blame her when there are 10 other girls swarming the ball?
Ezra is still awesome cracking us up and obsessed with Legos. He's getting so sweet and tender hearted about gospel stuff, but 3 hours is still long!  Rowdy is doing good just started Boy Scouts I thought he'd be a little more stoked about it, but we will see. Cody, & I same ole' thang. But we are setting little goals together to save $ for missions & maybe starting a creative side biz after Elliot goes to school next year.. We shall see. It is also weird with Paige up at buy Idaho. But it was cool we got to spend time before she left working on a giant mural under the 156. I don't remember if I sent you a pic. I did go to an uplifting women's conference this weekend. One of my takeaways was this life is short, & I especially want to cherish my time w my kids & be a better mom. the adversary is real. One guy said, "the war in heaven was real & the only thing that has changed in the venue" and on the flip, Our Father in Heaven is so real and so badly wants us back, and to reach our potential. In my personal study I looked up a footnote for perfect, because I was reading be ta perfect even as I am. In Greek it meant.. Fully developed. Isn't that cool we can be our own person just the best fully developed version is what God want for us! anyway You are absolutely blessing our family with your service! Thank you! 
And we love your guts!!

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