Wednesday, December 3, 2008

We are thankful for our Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was awesome!
It was a Camp Hinckley year, up in Running Springs, with Cody's family. The weather was fabulous and wintery, as in rainy and the food and company were fantastic.
Rowdy discovered Dry erase boards and black olives all in one trip
Everyone say, "Turkeys!"

Cousin bath in the cafeteria kitchen sink
My mom and Dad came up the Mt. for Thanksgiving dinner and then headed out that night to go hike the Grand Canyon! It is awesome to have both sets of grandparents just around the bend from each other.
Nan taught the little boys how to ride a horse broom

It was amazing to see how close the wild fires had gotten to Camp Hinckley. We are so glad they preserved the lodgeRowdy is already learning to use a razor.
and don't worry everyone his Dad remembered and trashed the stash!
Thanks everyone for your hard work! We had an amazing time.


Given Family said...

Love the family picture! you guys all look great, except i'm not sure about Cody's mustache :).

Letti said...

Celeste I had so much fun too. I love big family get togethers.

EvaMarieva said...

I love the stash! I was waiting for him to show up in church in a black suit, skinny tie and top hat...

Love the pictures. Your family always has a blast!

The A Team said...

Cody we love the

lynda said...

It was so fun hanging out with you so much this trip. Rowdy was so patient with me trying to hold him and smooch him all the time. =) I think you guys should move closer so that he will like me more!
Love ya guys!!!