Saturday, July 18, 2009


Yay! We finally got internet. and we are in our home! and all our stuff is here! not necessarily all out of boxes but it is all here! pictures will come soon. but so much is going on I don't want to forget!
Cody is still working on the railroad, and loving (as am I) living near some of his siblings. In fact last night he and his brother Tad went to the Scion Drag and Brag. funny huh! I am trying to talk him into entering our little toaster.
I can't bend over any more so poor Cody is on foot duty! massages, painting of the toenails, and shaving of the legs. (Maybe that's why I haven't seen him in a while!) but I don't really wear tennies during the summer so he lucked out with no shoelaces to tie. but besides the whole feet thing I am feelin' pretty good. One more month to go! August 12th. Still no definite name!
Rowdy is hilarious and hyper. He wakes us up every morning wanting to watch a "poopie" I am positive he is trying to say movie. He says, "I want to watch a Cars poopie." you know the Disney movie Cars. Its his favorite. I don't let him though. Its my bargaining tool and boy do I need it. He is very opinionated. He is talking a lot and really surprising us with his amazing memory. He remembers quite a few songs and can count to fourteen. Some of my favorite things he says are simple words but he says them with true understanding. like, "oh" (this one is probably my favorite) ,"Yuck!", "ummm" and we cannot forget, "drink a juice please". and he likes to sing and dance. actually I make him dance if he wants blueberries because I think it is so cute. He sort of gallops around and swings his arms all crazy. or he will do a sort of robotic bootie shake. I will work on getting a video of it. but he is such a good kid. He is sleeping all night in his "big boy bed". We ended up shoving the pack and play next to his bed so he doesn't roll off of the bed during the night. so anyway there is the short of it. I have a lot of catching up to do before this bebe comes!


Letti said...

I am so happy to finally know what you have been up too. I thought you guys got lost or something:) Well I am glad to hear all is well. It feels bitter sweet to know that you won't be here for my baby and I won't be there for yours. But hopefully we will be able to see each other soon. Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are all settled in. We plan on coming out in a few weeks. Can't wait to see your house.

karin said...

Yeah! I knew you would love it there. I am so jealous. Hope you post more soon.

Heather said...

so exciting! love you!

Erin said...

Glad you're getting all settled. Rowdy sounds like a handful but I think it sounds hilarious!

EvaMarieva said...

I have your message saved on my phone of rowdy's voice. I am glad you are settled in and would love to see a picture of the manicures from Cody ;)

we love you!

The Hickens said...

yeah... your own house!! So nice ot have family too. Are you on facebook??