Tad and I went to Instructables.com and copied this little baby from their instructions. Eleven dollars later and we have our very own KidWash. It only took about 20 minutes start to finish and was super easy. Tad and I now have visions of our very own PVC Waterpark. We figure if we get some painters plastic and a few more of these KidWashes, we'll be able to make a super sweet slip n slide. Party @ Tad's, bring your cutoffs and wifebeaters!
I love it. Although I don't think they would allow that in Justin. Perfect for Northlake though. ;)
Can we come? Locke's a sucker for a good slip n' slid. Thanks for the PIctures!!
Sweet. So how much will you charge for the waterpark fee?
That is pretty nifty. I can see a pretty awesome waterpark beginning.
HAHA. We should check with our HOA if those are allowed. That is really neat.
I'd pay to drop my kids off. Hahaha!
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