Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Do you see what we have to deal with?!Hee hee just kidding.
Ezra is such a great kid. He is our snuggler and our giggler. He is also the one we have to sneak out of the house for if we are leaving the kids with a babysitter. He is pretty good at making us feel loved.
He is talking (and singing ) a ton, but at times needs translation.
"Did you see that?!" He says that one sooo much now its funny. He will do something awesome or crack up at something and say it totally excited, "Did you see that?!"
"No!!!! Don't tickle Mommy!" -Yells this if Cody is tickling me or even hugging me
"Window down please" "Praise to the man please" "I'm a baby" or I'm a doggy" and will come lay down in our laps. "Under-dog please!"

He loves playing with Elliot and Rowdy. He cried this past Sunday when Rowdy left him to go sit up on the stand, and still cries when Rowdy goes to pre-school. I love watching the brothers together. They melt my heart all their hugs and giggles and cuteness. Ezra likes Elliot too. He will get little toys for Elliot or try and feed her. He will pat her back or kiss her if she is crying (even if he just finished biting her! :0 that has only happened once (that I know of ! )) aww, but most of the time he is a sweet sweet boy. He loves riding his mini glider bike and goes super fast on it. all the neighbors get a hoot out him riding his little bike. He often will pull the chair over to jump off onto the love sack. He is getting good at counting, and lots of primary songs. He has been super excited about nursery lately and will talk about it on Sunday and just walk right in there now. (big change from a few weeks ago) He also loves to read. One of my favorites right now to read to him is Goodnight Little Dinosaur because unscripted he will give me kisses and hugs when the dinosaur gives his Mom kisses and hugs.
Mmm, Love this boy

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