Monday, August 22, 2011

Ezra is 2

Ezra is always keeping us laughing.

If he isn't hamming it up, he has us laughing at his contagious laugh.

He loves accessories, mostly to get a reaction from people... Goggles, shoes, hats, glasses, bracelets.

This summer his classic outfit has been a diaper and the cowboy boots. but if he doesn't have those on he has probably snaked someone else's shoes.

He loves anything with marinara sauce

He still isn't a fan of bananas

He was sprouting a molar during his birthday celebrations. So he was terribly 2 right on the money :) that morning I heard him in the front room yelling at the top his lung "NO! Its MINE!!" I just smiled and thought wow that happened right on the dot.

He still loves to snuggle. He will lay down by us for 15 or 20 minutes just snuggling.

He love to jump on the love sack. and lately he will hold his hands together in little fists at his belly and just smile and fall face first into the love sac, from atop the blue chair.

He talks quite a bit, but sometimes it needs translation.

His favorite song is, "Praise to the Man". Every single time we get in the car he asks to listen to it. and will ask louder and louder until you put it on... (it was a primary program cd) but he can sing a bunch of other songs and his voice is so cute. I should record them. He can sing:

ABC's , Praise to the man (beginning), I am a Child of God, I love to see the temple, Give said the little stream, The Wheels on he Bus, and The wise man song.

He Adores his Dad. Talks about him all the time.

and he still loves milk but "Dad" has trumped "Milk" in the frequency of use.

Ezra is pretty shy at first, especially to people paying attention to him. He tends to be more friendly to those not paying attention to him :) but once you win him over he will melt your heart.

Whenever we go shopping he looooves to help push the cart or hang on the front. He usually loves to bend over and push the very bottom bar. The one that is like 2 inches from the floor. so he can't see where he is going he just goes for it.

HE is a sweet sweet brother. IT is soooo cool watching he and Rowdy share and play and wrestle together. they have a lot of fun. Ezra loves Elliot. He like talking to her in a baby voice and he also loves to feed her "puffs" or her bottle. He calls her "Ette"

He can be pretty stubborn. He is opinionated a lot of the time, and not easily distracted. He has been getting into trouble lately hitting and biting, but its probably just him not understanding how we are playing with each other (I always fake chew on Elliot's face).

He is getting so big he pulls up stools to climb up to the counter. He loves going potty on the toilet. flushing it and washing his hands.

He is loves the glider bike he got for his birthday and actually took off down the block a few days ago. Cody had to chase him down in the car. And he has started to say his own prayers.

Cute things he has said in his prayers.. "Please bless Daddy to get home safely" When I ask him what he is thankful for he says, "Dad." and the other night he said he was thankful for "Chuck E Cheese" (we took him there on his birthday.) and he says the end so excited "Aaaaamen!"

The other day Cody was tickling me and got stern with Cody and just said seriously "No! Don't tickle Mom!" until Cody stopped

He just melts our hearts. His hugs are the best, and his pouty lip kisses too. We are so grateful for all he brings into our home. We love your guts Ez-rig-idy

1 comment:

heart nan said...

Ezra = Cody
Cody = Ezra
Funny, Funny boys!

Thanks for the fun, informative update, 'Leste!

Heart you all!!!