Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Yesterday was windy. So windy it started blowing up some shingles on our roof. 
By the time we were done w our second trip to home depot even more shingles had blown off, and there was a flash flood, severe storm, tornado warning for the next 30 minutes. We totally felt like Heavenly Father held off the storm. As soon as Cody finished caulking the shingles down it started to rain. It was a little scary with the wind for a minute. The 30 minutes he was up there saving our house, the temperature dropped like 15 or 20 degrees. It was crazy/ exciting. Thank you Cody for your bravery. And Thank you Heavenly father for our dry house.

Our neighbor Casey, who was mostly reffering to the hot & humid once jokingly said,"This weather is necessary. It weeds out all the riff raff." 
The storms are usually exciting though :)
Ezra actually did good with all the lightning and thunder, maybe because it wasn't totally dark outside yet. I did miss him snuggling me a little bit, but Cody was a nice trade.
Elliot was squealing and giggling and yelling at the pouring rain when we took her to our doorstep to check it out. and she kept making her "oooo" face for the thunder and lighting.
And Rowdy kept picking her up and putting her in the rain. She would just scurry back and stand at the edge of our porch again and check it out.

So today we went to go check out the creek and enjoy the after storm clouds

Yeah..the creek was pretty full. We had gone to a spot earlier on our trek and thrown some rocks and Cody noticed a big fat water moccasin eating a fish, right in front of us!
Dads are so fun
So are mud puddles
 The kids rode through this one for a half and hour

This is our neighbor J.R.


 (she found Elmo)
We went to check out the creek under the bridge by Lynda's house. The sunset took up the whole sky 

There wasn't much water there but Cody thought he saw some fish so he took the bigger kids down.  
They were crawdads! We were both surprised how fearless Rowdy was
The post storm sky was amazing
It's Montana whose nickname is Big Sky Country, but I find myself thinking that about Texas. There is nothing to impede the sunsets so they just blanket the sky & reflect off whatever they can. 
I think it is so beautiful


Keriann said...

What a day of fun! Your kiddos will remember that forever! The after storm sunset is beautiful but I've actually been to Montana and let me just tell you, there is no comprehending the "big Sky Country" until you've seen it yourself! It's literally breath taking!

karin said...

Oh you Bowlers are so fun!

I think the big Texas skies are pretty fabulous too.