Thursday, August 30, 2012


 Rowdy's first day of school!
 Here is his teacher (meet the teacher night) I didn't even cry like I thought I would I am sure it was because of meet the teacher night. I still felt like I had cried.
 Ezra wanted to wear his backpack to take Rowdy to school
Walking to school already. Today was the first day he rode his bike
He's so big. I already miss him during the day.... although it is much quieter around here.
 So sweet
He seems to like it. He is pretty quiet about school by the time he gets home. I have been in his class at the end of the day a few times to help out & thats been fun. He says his favorite part of the day is getting to play superheroes with Miles at lunch.


Tasha said...

That is the sweetest picture he drew. It is always a little sad for me to watch my kids go into Kindergarten too.

heart nan said...

Dear Rowdy,
You are such a good, big, smart, artistic, joyful boy!!!

heart nan said...