Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Rowdy's 5th Birthday Eve

Getting so big. So independent, imaginative & thoughtful. 
Tonight I put the kids in bed and heard their door open. I was kind of exhausted..., "Mom, I love you more than anything." accompanied w a big hug. Loved that little moment. 
Thanks Rowdy.

Here are a few cute things you've said recently:
-as you were eating a "dum dum" w Yaya in California....," Yaya in Texas things are bigger... Like the Lollipops."
-We were talking about life after kindergarten and you mentioned "Up School" which we figured out was High school.
-At your preschool graduation they asked you what you wanted to be when you grow up and you said,"A Lion Tamer."

Its crazy to think 5 years ago you were just a tiny little nugget of a new born. You were so alert and handsome. Our world never was the same ...in a good way. You still teach us so much. You've broadened our horizons and deepened our understanding. I am grateful for your patience as we learn to be better parents and people. We are grateful for you in our home. You are kind and helpful & we are grateful for your good example to Ezra and Elliot. They love you soooo much too. Thanks for always helping them and loving them.
Just want you to know...
We LOVE YOUR 5 year old GUTS!


Sherri Araiza said...

I can't believe he's FIVE!! What a handsome boy he is. :)

The last Unicorn said...

how in the world do you have a 5 year old!?!?! They just grow too fast. He seems like such a fun/sweet kid.