Monday, August 27, 2012

Week before school

So the Cancienne's are in Reno. Our sweet neighbor friends, sisters, babysitters, musicians, comedians, help out in a pinch go to girls. We are going to miss them. We went out to eat at Olive garden the other night. It was a fun see you later girl party.

The girls were all insta-gramming it up.
 And so Megan is a super morning person and hungers and thirsts after righteousness and is so fun. So I am bummed she is not going to be in my seminary class. But Paige will make up for the both of them I am sure.  Megan did make it to the first day before she had to take off. And if Mckay were here I would've invited her to come do a musical number. She has the best voice. The peeps up there in Reno are super lucky.

There was a Seminary conference in Dallas and the sweet Stamps sacrificed some hotel points so we could go down to Dallas early to "plan" seminary stuff. We did get a lot of seminary stuff talked about and also a lot of non-seminary stuff talked about, all while eating thai, swimming and dodging huge cockroaches. This is my last ditch effort to remember the fun via photo. The seminary conference was excellent and I was grateful to have made it there. and grateful for the good company. I love this girl.
 In getting ready for seminary we have been cleaning out the toy room quite a bit and used the give aways to make some "robots" with the kids.
 They told me where they wanted stuff and I hot glued it for them

 They were fun for a day

 Randomly one of Elliot's favorite snacks is dried seaweed. 
Its one of the only green things we don't have to beg her to eat.
 I imagined painting a theme for the seminary year on the wall, but I thought it was a good theme for our family to have up too. Here are my lovely assistants
 and my other lovely assistant...the T.V. It was a small miracle that with all the paint and chaos and kids there was not a major spill or re-doo.
 I was only going to paint the seminary room but Cody got excited and painted over all our kid marks. It looked great. Who needs to clean? When you can just paint over it? haha We upgraded to semi gloss because the matte was not washing off.

 Thanks Paige and Megan and Livee for all your help w my little project

 I don't know why but i have always loved coveralls and Cody surprised me with my first pair! perfect for painting. after this project I painted a sign for Rowdy's soccer team. It made me want to paint something crazy with no lines because of all the tight letters I've been doing.
In addition to the obvious,... The Lord is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever.
This whole week I felt like Heavenly Father was helping me take care of so many things to be able to be ready for seminary. The room and paint with all the kids home was pretty smooth. I would have thoughts come into my mind to call a kid on my roll and even where to go to get Rowdy a specific backpack for school (jansport all the way)(we still have ours from high school!) I felt buoyed up. Which is amazing. Especially when I was trying not to be nervous about all the logistics. But I know Heavenly Father will continue to help me out if I do my part. He loves these kids so much, and I feel so lucky to be a part of this great seminary endeavor.


Letti said...

What a cool idea. I love the phrase. Those seminary students are very lucky to have you as their teacher. I can only imagine all of the fun things they will be doing at dark thirty in the morning. The Canciennes are going to be missed even all the way over in California. Maybe there next move will be here.

PS Have I told you how hard it is to type the correct letters on your word verification. I have tried 5 words so far. I must really love you guys to do this.

heart nan said...

God bless seminary teachers!!!
(Your life will never be the same)