Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tour de Wyoming

On Sunday, after church we strolled through the park and got to listen to this amazing little folk band. Their music was fabulous. It was just a great soundtrack for our trip. I was also intrigued by their audience. They were actually playing for "Tour de Wyoming". It's a bike trip (as in pedal) across Wyoming that seems pretty cool. They would ride like 30 miles a day, which apparently is not too big of a deal on a street bike, and stop at little cities along the way with all sorts of cool little activities or sights, then camp at a local school for the night. It just seemed so fun. Perks: they had vans to carry all their junk, they had little rest stations along the road and then they prob. get a ride back. anyway I am not even a bicyclist but I kinda want to do the Tour de Wyoming some day, preferably on a tandem with Cody.
After the band, Rowdy raised the roof all the way home!


karin said...

That does sound cool- I definitely I am not a bicyclist. In fact, Bryan asked me on the way home from church if I even knew how to ride a bike. I think so, it has been a while but why would they say "its just like riding a bike" if it wasn't true?

lynda said...

I see a bicycle built for 3 in your future. :)