Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pleeeease Vote "Yes" on Prop 8

I think the clip speaks for itself, but we just wanted to plead with our friends and family in and out of California to speak to others about this issue and make sure they understand all of the implications. I think a lot of people and indifferent and of the mindset, that, "sure why not legalize marriage for any couple" But the long range effects are not thouroughly being thought through. Children cannot be properly raised in a genderless society, and no society has survived, with an anything goes attitude.

Please! if you have friends who are California voters please kindly discuss Prop 8 with them. Everyone does have someone in their life who is homosexual, and we love them, but continuing to legalize same sex marriage is not the answer for our society. Please help us preserve the California we love. Spread the word! Vote YES on prop 8.


The Duncan Proect said...

Love that you have this here. Hope all is well.

Just Me said...

I too am hoping that Prop 8 passes. Here is an article I found from NPR that talks about the effect on religious liberty that this issue will have as well. I found it interesting
Keep up the good work!
-Bonnie <>