Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ezra Jay hearts PJ

Ezra as of late has been obsessed with Pajamas! 
He wants to wear them all day. He gets so sad when he has to take them off to start the day. He was very into Spiderman pajamas from Christmas. He and Rowdy were fighting over them every night. After those disappeared he now has affectionately named all his footie pj's. Stripeys, Monkeyman and so on. I told him he needs to be a doctor so he can wear scrubs to work.
He reminds me of Cody, in that he knows what he likes and he sticks with it. He still loves "Super Why", Praise to the Man, & Spiderman.
He has also been so polite lately. I love the way he says "No Thank You." He says it so sweetly.
He and Rowdy love to play together. Especially wrestling or pillow fights (getting old for parents really fast). but he is not afraid to play on his own. He loves books, the park, riding his bike and snuggling. We often unknowingly wake up with him next to us in bed.
Love you Sweet Boy.


Letti said...

He is such a sweet guy. I wish he would share some of his calmness with his cousin Paisley.

The A Team said...

We need to hear more Ezra songs! Only a few more months!! We all can't wait!