Sunday, February 26, 2012

"On a Sunday Afternoon"

 We have church at 1:30. I have been struggling with fun sabbath day stuff for my family. It has been happening for a while now. Our time, now in the mornings, consists of me letting the kids watch Veggie Tales while I am putting the finishing touches on my primary lessons. Rowdy said in his prayer tonight, "please let us have fun on everyday except Sunday." I think somehow the message is being skewed :)

I liked how, Sunday after church, all the boys had their separate reading material. Cody was singing us Spanish hymns, you know being uplifting. While Rowdy and Ezra read about death and monsters. (All My Friends Are Dead)
 Girls were in the kitchen
 We took church shirts off to eat and thought I should show you how tough Ezra is after his ant pile bike landing. He is posing a sad face but they haven't seemed to bother him as much as I pictured they would

 and my favorite man making my favorite dessert.

1 comment:

heart nan said...

Hurray for lazy Sundays!!!

I love Elliot's face in the corner of the last picture.