Sunday, May 6, 2012


Rowdy Rowdy Rowdy. 
He is currently sounding out family member's names on my phone and calling them (to no avail) 
to see if anyone wants to skype him :)
He is is in full "buddy" mode. He always wants to be hanging out or helping Cody or I. He loves playing tic tac toe with either of us. I am very grateful for him as an exercise partner. He will cruise on his bike while I push the 2 littles in our stroller. Its been working out pretty good. We have a neighbor Emma, who Cody calls Ramona (as in Ramona Quimby age 8), who will come ring our doorbell 3 or 4 times in a row and ask if Rowdy can play :) They play or ride bikes in our yard or on our great 4 house stretch of sidewalk. She finally asked if Rowdy could come play in her yard... and we let him. I just felt like it was the end of an era, our little Rowdster is growing up :) That was a nice warm up too because this week he had kindergarten round-up. It was not what I expected. I expected someone to hold my hand a little. I was ok until I met the principal...Then I got a little sentimental. I just missed my Dad. & I felt out of the loop. Rowdy will be going to Justin Elementary school right down the street. He is all excited. He loves going to his little Baptist wee-care preschool right now and is a little obsessed with making up his own songs and they usually have to do with Jesus. His teacher asked me a few weeks ago if it was ok if they talked about Jesus?! (there were only 3 more weeks of pre-school :) She didn't know if Mormons were Christan and Rowdy was answering all the questions. She didn't want us to think they were "cramming it down his throat." We had a nice little missionary moment. Rowdy also loves coloring and writing people's names. My Mom sent a cute book about a little boy pretending to be historical figures. Rowdy was quizzing Ezra about them and teaching him who they were. It was funny/ awesome. Rowdy always loves to get everyone's clothes for them in the mornings. He does a pretty good job. He really just loves to help. He is also great at helping with the laundry. He always gives a little gripe when I ask him to, with my big girl chores. But he really loves it. He told me so.

1 comment:

karin said...

I love Rowdy. He can come play tic-tac-toe here, the boys LOVE it.
I have had a hard time with both boys starting Kindergarten. It is such a milestone.

I didn't know it was national sibling day. I didn't know it existed.
I want my 10yo niece to live close by.
It's those happy, simple moments that make the "hard" things doable for me.