Thursday, May 17, 2012

Story of my birthday..and my NEw CAR!!!

Cody pulled up Tuesday of my birthday week with a new car!!! wrapped in crepe paper! I felt like I was in a car commercial :) 
It is such a beautiful car. Its a Mazda CX-9. 
Rowdy had spilled the beans earlier in the month. So it wasn't a complete surprise like Cody had hoped. But I got to do 2 test drives at least and have a little input. but the day of it was a real surprise! Its a new/used car just a year old thought w 13,000 miles..."Dolphin gray"

I of course had a moment of silence for the sweet Camry, which had been so good to us for so long. And we received it at a time we were only a one car family and I was starting to get a little depressed and feeling grounded w/ no wheels. So the camry will always hold a special place in my heart. But we are getting bigger. The Mazda had 7 seats and its been so nice to have one or two extra seats for tag- alongs :)

Here is a pretty picture of it in Wyoming.. yes Wyoming

So my actual birthday was pretty non-eventful and I was fighting off grumpiness. Then we ate this delicious shortcake for dessert and my attitude instantly changed. Cody whipped the cream himself...mmmm
He got called into work and Livee came with the kids and I to ride our scooters through some awesome wooded trails next to Lake Grapevine. That was nice. And then Megan, Mckay and Livee and the kids and I did 'just dance', which is what I really wanted to do (have a dance party.) I received flowers and chocolate from some friends in the ward and that was lovely.
Soo... Cody kept saying I'm sorry about your birthday, because he had to finish a big school project and then got called into work. But, he said I will make it up to you this weekend. So he tells me to pack a bag for the weekend for us and the kids and then 30 minutes before we go he says we are going to CA so make sure you have the right stuff!! It was fun I like surprises. I had totally forgotten about him having vacation that week. but yes in retrospect? we should have probably addressed the details regarding Sydney's wedding 2 months away in which we would need to be out there again. We had an uber fun summer I just hope we didn't drive my parents bonkers. Well, we probably did but we made some good memories.

We left at 5 or 6 in the afternoon and drove through the night. I stayed up w Coy a lot of the night and then he finally needed a break at 8 am in New Mexico and I was fighting off sleep but I felt bad because He had barely fallen asleep. Then I dozed and hit a big orange round bucket thing for construction! Yikes! Hadn't even had the car for a week. It cracked the bumper and tore off the black wheel protection thing on the car. Could've been a lot worse. I have since been on 3 sucessful road trips, but I don't mess around any more w the dozing. ahh!
 Well later int he month I take the car up to utah idaho and wyoming and on the way back notice a crack in the windshield. ahh man! Then one random day I guess I ran over a shard of metal and got a flat tire. any way I'm not having the best luck. but I do adore the car. I just don't know if it is adoring me.

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