Sunday, July 13, 2008


Isn't Thermopolis a larger than life name for a city?! It seems like it should be right next to Gotham City or something. anyway this place cracks me up. Its a small town in Wyoming with a tons of natural hot springs. Rowdy and I met Taggart there on Wednesday to partake. We had fun at "star plunge" with some hot pools and water slides. Taggart and I agreed we have never seen so many bizarre and faded tatoos as we did on Wednesday. Anyway one of my favorite moments of the day was this sweet kid, who was bigger than all the other little kids, prob. 10 got up on the high dive a couple times and got scared and came down. The 3rd time, everyone in the pool started cheering for him. He was so nervous but he did it! I just thought it would be a great childhood memory. I wish great childhood memories for Rowdy as well.

(Rowdy had fun)


Letti said...

How cool is that. I would haet to have to write that as my address.

Aubri said...

I've been there a few times. THe hot pots are the only cool thing. I can totally imagine all the old tatoos.

karin said...

That is a pretty cool name- very comic book.

The work train photos are cool and I love a good hobo dinner with s'mores for dessert.

wyomingerica said...

Thermopolis, doesn't it sound like it should be in a Batman movie or something. We go swimming once a year, it is all I can stand. And it takes that long to get the sulpher smell out of our swimming suits.