Saturday, April 23, 2011

Twas the day before Easter

and we went to the Justin Easter egg hunt.

Ezra wasn't a big fan of the easter bunny. He didn't really freik out he just stood there... too afraid to move I think. He definitely did not want any eye contact. The eggs though, he loved. It wasn't really a hunt, it was more like a race :)

The boys had a good time. Rowdy especially loved the fake gold coins. He kept showing everyone and telling them he was rich.

The Carmacks made it just in time.

I am not going to lie I sat Ezra there on purpose. He would not look at the bunny the whole time. He just sat there staring at the ground. It was cracking me up.
Rowdy also cracked me up because he found out ,"this Easter Bunny is a man!" and was so excited that he discovered it himself. He made sure to tell everyone.

Aunt Lynda trying to secure her spot as favorite Aunt
Later that night We decorated Easter Eggs. In a variety of new methods. We all agree the hot crayon wax is the most dangerous

Ezra's crayon method was all encompassing

Rowdy's egg decorating outfit

Then the evening ended with an amazing light show. These pictures are from the storm that blew in Easter evening, but they were pretty much the same storm. Lightning spectacular. I couldn't stop saying, "WOW!" IT was crazy how much lightning there was. It was beautiful and stunning.


Letti said...

I love how Ezra won't look at the bunny. too funny. Just wait until I see Elliot I will give her a much bigger sucker.

heart nan said...

Great Post! There sure is a lot going on in your little corner of the world...
Excuse me while I go do some more work on our home so we can sell it.. ...and move!