Monday, January 16, 2012

Better when..

 we're together.
Even though that is not always true of our family picture attempts. Thank goodness for Photoshop.
 Happy Martin Luther King Day.
Today felt like Saturday, and Saturday felt like a Saturday too so that was nice.
We went to a service project in Denton redoing some trails. The kids had fun playing in the dirt. Then we went to the latin grocery store for tacos with the Canciarmacks. We made quite the impression there. But hopefully they were flattered because their tacos are legit. mmmmm.
Then Rowdy got invited to a little Texan wrestling practice. He was the smallest litttle guy there & he was nervous but he was really excited before and after so? we need to talk. It was held at our local high school's indoor practice field! It was super nice. It seemed like we were at a college sports complex. Love those taxes.
Saturday we rode family bikes down to the new Taco Mayo.
It was yuummy.... and they sell Chaco-Tacos!!
and then we had a Nacho party with the in we ate nachos and watched Nacho Libre. Naaaachoooooo!
Whenever we are together it really is the best day ever

1 comment:

Given Family said...

You guys are so cute!! what a beautiful family... WE miss you guys!!