Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Year

 = New Church clothes!
One of Elliot's first words was "porta-potty"!
How many points is that worth?
The boys were playing Nan's game and Elliot liked the sound of it I guess.
We always have to remind our Boys to say Thank yous in their prayers. So we were all tickled when Rowdy sincerely Thanked H.F. that dinosaurs weren't alive so they wouldn't eat us.

 & Ezra is thankful for "Super-Why"
yeah and we aren't even messing with resolutions to eat healthier....
mmmm creme brulee french toast

This is how our New years morning started out. Then we were off to church. It was so nice having my Mom around. I was so glad we were able to snag her for that extra week

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