Sunday, September 6, 2009


When I was younger I always looked forward to the day I would have kids and they would innocently say the funny prayers, blessing all kinds of things or people we older more calloused adults wouldn't normally think of including in our prayers. Well its around that time of my life now. I have been encouraging Rowdy just to say his own prayers for the past two days with no help from Mom or Dad. But Smarty Pants Rowdy already knows he is being funny.

Tonight Rowdy says, "Dear Heavenly Father, please bless Mommy and Daddy and baby brother, and cars.... (laughing) I blessed cars! and bless the incredibles..... (laughing) I blessed the incredibles! and bless Nemo and the penguins (laughs) I blessed Nemo and the penguins! (laughs) and bless Mommy and Daddy and Ezra and our home. inoJC Aaaaaaaamen."

I did not giggle out loud or egg him on in anyway, unless he saw me smiling behind my folded arms.


EvaMarieva said...

He is a smart pants that we love! (BTW MIke will be in TX to help ordain my brother soon)

Sherri Araiza said...

hahahaha i guess that's what happens when you have smarter-than-average kids. :)

karin said...

Love it. My boys do that but they are older, they get stopped now but I miss when they were young enough that we just had to try not to laugh out loud too. Elizabeth's son does it still very innocently, when we were all together this summer, he was blessing all of his Stewart cousins but couldn't remember Emily's baby's name, so after stuttering for a moment, he blessed Emily.

Anonymous said...

It is the purest form of communication. The prayers are still funny at 12 and 13.

Letti said...

I love listening to little kids prayers. Sometimes Coles takes forever because he has to bless everything.

Celeste I think you should write a book with all the different childrens prayers. It would be a best seller.