Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Today at lunch Rowdy chose edamame as the vegetable. Edamame comes in a close second to broccoli in his veggie department. He loves to squeeze the pods and watch the beans shoot out (watch your eyes). Anyway we were almost done and I noticed he had a few more beans in his bowl.
Me: "Rowdy, are you going to finish your edamame?"

R: Looking at his bowl, then Celeste, then his bowl again, "that's you eda-mommy! " pointing at Celeste and then the beans.

I love how the wheels turn in his head.


Letti said...

He is such a smarty pants. I love that kid.

Anonymous said...

So great to hear from you. Aren't you glad this blog inspires you to write down the things Rowdy is saying. The eda-mommy comment can be used against him when he starts dating.
I will find you on FB.