Thursday, January 13, 2011

2 months! & 17 months

Well Miss Elliot is 2 months old today!
She is just coming alive. She has started cooing and smiling and becoming so alert
Still sleeping good.
She is, on occasion, getting used to the car which she has not been a huge fan of so far.
also doesn't seem to be a fan of the headbands. She's fine once you get the thing one there but if she feels it start to go around her head... she no likey.
Her eyes seem like they are going to stay blue. and her hair is a light brown/sometimes a dark red.
She seems to have the thick Cody lashes but they are lighter.
She is just so cute! People always want to hold her and I love it, but I do get a little jealous because I feel like I have so little time to sit down and focus on just her. but She is sooo good. & sooo patient. & we feel so lucky to have her in our family.

Ezra also loves Elliot. He has just been wanting to hold her all the time now. Its so cute. He gets so upset if he can't. He knows just how he needs to sit or lay, and will get ready for her. Then he pats her with his little chubby hands. It melts my heart. He is such a sweet big brother. They both have birthdays on the thirteenth so Ezra is 17 months old today! One more month then he will be legal in nursery! He just popped his sharpie shark tooth through on the top left. We found it just yesterday. He is a little trooper. Ezra got a stuffed dog and a stuffed bird for Christmas and he loves to sleep with them. Its so funny. He will ask for the dog or bird as soon as we go into the dark room and then he will smile so big and squeeze/hug them when handed to him and he will lay his head down on my shoulder. Its so cute, but does make me a little nervous about the whole needing a specific stuffed animal. Tonight I couldn't find either one in the dark so I just layed him down and he didn't seem to mind either. He is just so squeezable.
mmmm I just love these bebes


Letti said...

I can't wait to hold her in just a few short weeks. Ezra is so sweet I can just picture his hand patting his baby sister. He is going to be a great big brither.

Sydney said...

She's SO cute!! I can't wait to meet her!!
And Ezra is looking so grown up!
Miss and Love you all!!

trueblue said...

so cute! i posted about libby and then saw your post! reading your post was just like reading mine! happy 2 months elliot!