Thursday, February 17, 2011


Rowdy is getting so big! He is blowing me away everyday. He is so independent now. Most of the time I find myself getting frustrated with him, if I slow down I realize he is thinking ahead or trying to help. I have to remind myself to keep letting him go a little more. Its so surreal to watch my baby boy becoming this little man.
Here he is pretending that he just got called into work, like Dad.
He loves to dress himself now and can be pretty opinionated about it. He usually changes clothes a couple of times a day. I am trying to nip that one in the bud, but I love that he will get dressed by himself.
The other day Ezra scooped ash out of the fireplace and got it on our carpet and couch. I was busy with Elliot and without being asked he went and got the hand held vacuum and cleaned it all up! Another morning I just commented that it was garbage day and he went without being asked and got all of the small trashcans and dumped them into the big white one! What a sweet boy and a huge help. Rowdy is totally into pretending. He likes to be a "superhero" or tell us which Scooby Doo or "UP" characters we are. He also pretends to cook. Here he is with a delicious soup. He likes to sing and dance and make people laugh.
He will help me with pretty much anything. It just frustrating when our time frames are different, but I have few complaints. Here he is reading to Ezra. On this occasion I asked him to read a book to Ezra while I was doing something and he said. " but I don't know the words, oh never mind. I will just look at the pictures and make them up" Lately he has been cracking me up with the , "please please please!"
Especially at night time. We started for a few days trying to get Ezra to sleep in his room. but Ezra figured how to get out of the bed and come find us. Now Rowdy begs "I want someone to sleep with" so I direct him to his stuffed animals and he says," but I want someone to sleep with that moves". He cracks me up.

What a great kidThank you Rowdy, for being so great. We love your guts

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