Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Cody is such a sweet Dad. 
He has been working a lot. He was gone for 2 days taking a train out of town. The boys always ask him if they can go to work with him. He got home from work this morning, sick of trains,yet... we talked him into another train ride. 

Cody was totally jealous of this engineers outfit. 
 Cody actually wanted to take the kids to the zoo, but the miniature train is right before zoo. What a trooper.
 The train ride was actually great. It rode down and over the Trinity river over a couple mini train bridges.  It went all over a huge park. The boys were stoked to finally be on a train with Dad.
 Tickle fight!
The weather was amazing. Elliot loved the animals that moved. This baby monkey & his Mom were so cute. The mom would walk around on four legs and he would hang onto her tummy/back. Elliot would point at all the animals and talk in quiet jibberish.
 Cindy Lou Whoo. 
They actually start out as little knobbies but pop out
 Rowdy patting the "pig nose" turtle.
 Ezra wanted to see the elephants all day. They did not disappoint. They were kicking the balls, and playing with the tires, Throwing dirt on their backs too cool off. This guy kept eating the hay off the other's back. and he kept swaying to his own beat.

Ezra had wanted to see the Elephants and Rowdy wanted to see the "cantelopes"
 The Lion also gave us a show. It seemed like he just wanted to roar to see if he still had it. He roared like 10 or 15 times.
 Freaky cartoony looking alligator sizing up Elliot
 ooooh. I loved the birds. This Red Ibis was amazing
but Elliot was the most exciting to watch.
Afterwards we went to the Mellow Mushroom. mmmm. It was a lovely day. Poor Cody was hurtin' by this time, for want of sleep. I could tell because he didn't put up to big of a fight when I snuck into the driver's seat. He has a lot on his plate right now but he always carries himself so well. I love that he loves his kids. Thanks for the day sweet man.

1 comment:

heart nan said...

Leste, you are such a great...
Activity planner

I heart you all of you!!!