Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Yaya Monday

We exercised Monday morning (March 23) at the park across the street. The new trails were great, especially w Yaya because we just let the boys roam free on their bikes between us we had them covered. It was a beautiful day and we ended up spending the whole morning there.

Elliot liked how it felt to go limp in the swing
 Threw some rocks down at the creek. Rowdy chucked one in as we were coming up to our favorite little waterfall spot and um yeah...I think the water moccasin we saw there last time pretty much lives there. Well, luckily Rowdy scared him off and we continued to chuck rocks as usual. and float twigs and leaves. I pulled up a plant for Rowdy to watch go down the river and it was... a wild scallion!! I thought it smelled a little oniony. There were a bunch of them I had never noticed before. I wonder if thats why the snake hangs out here. Nothin' like a flavorful fish.
Later in the day we rode bikes out front and a neighbor girl brought her dog by to play. Elliot and the dog were so cute! They loved each other. Usually she freaks out a little bit, but she sat there and patted her. The dog totally let her hug her with her arm over her like that for the longest time. They were so cute. and not specifically because of this picture but also other instances this weekend. I am seriously want to discontinue the use of red kool-aid. We always have the stains on our faces!!
 aww and the "Sisternaries" as Ezra calls them, stopped by and we made them give the lesson for our FHE :) & We said goodbye to one of our favorites Sister Reynolds (left). But we know she will have fun and do great in Flower Mound just down the road. & Sister Watts is really good too.
One of my favorite things to do especially with my fam & extended fam is just sit on the couch and talk. and talk and talk and talk. I have been missing that. I feel like everyone is super plugged in these days. It was super nice to just chill with my Mom. We could talk or..not talk for hours :)

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