Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Easter a la Bowler

Easter Morning Rowdy woke up all excited. 
I now forget what we had been doing I just know we were all really tired. So Rowdy hung tight for a bit until it was a normal time for the littles to wake up. I felt so mean!
Elliot was hilarious when she found an egg she just cruised around shaking it listening to the candy inside. 
We were so tired the night before & I think Cody had been working. We were hoping he would get home in time to color eggs, but Rowdy just ended up Sharpie-ing some. The rest were goody filled plastics

Ezra was stoked about some Spider man underwear

The kids got gardening things and plants in their buckets. We all had fun planting them later on in the week. & I've decided if the kids ever want a dog I am going to make them maintain a garden first to see if they can handle the daily responsibility. But I love walking out side or coming home and seeing all these pretty flowers out front.

The Easter bunny brought Elliot a sandbox, but she stuck her hand in and wasn't excited about it. Ezra was!
 She loves it now though, as do the boys
 The Easter bunny surprised me with some peach trees! 
I am so excited for trees in our backyard
 When we came in from the front yard Cody had been hiding a package from Yaya and Papa. It felt like Christmas. There were a bunch of awesome clothes, including some great church clothes. sorry mom I forgot to take a pic :) and we also got an Easter letter from Nan.
It was really great to go to church. We have the best choir too. 
After church we had prepared stuff to  grill dinner at the park across the street but it was drizzly and Cody got called into work. After our backup dinner we went to the Carmacks & visited & had dessert with their family and the Cienna-Houcks. 

It was a great day. and really the whole week had been great. ...We talked of Christ we rejoiced in Christ.  I think the kids really caught the spirit of Easter (my favorite holiday.)


Letti said...

What kind of sand is that? It reminds me of the lik m aid stuff :) Ezra is starting to look so grown up. He is really thinning out. It looks like a fun Easter and I love the idea of plants in their Easter baskets, so clever. I can't wait to see you guys soon. Love ya!

trueblue said...

it's my favorite holiday too! how funny!