Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tornado Tuesday Update

This morning dropped Rowdy off at school. Went for a jog with the 2 littles payed the water bill on our jog. The lady helping me said you better hurry home before the storm comes. ? Had no clue. It looked like it might rain. anyway a few hours later the tornado sirens went off. But it didn't look bad at all. Cody was in Temple and Rowdy at school. I felt like we would be fine but it was almost time to pick Rowdy up so I was just in a quandry about if I should give it a minute or hurry and go get him. They turned off. Sweet Lynda got the boys and the sirens came on again as Rowdy walked in the door. Our teenage neighbor who was home sick from school and all alone came over pretty upset. As I was trying to comfort her I went to look outside there still was hardly any wind rain drops weren't even too crazy but there were some low fast moving clouds. Anyway we are all fine. I heard it touched down at the speedway right by us, but I drove by there later tonight ( ..the evening was lovely) and didn't see any damage from my side. They even had a ton of race stuff up for next weekend. So..? I think it was a rumor. Some people have Taco Tuesdays...not us :)

1 comment:

Letti said...

I am so glad that you were all kept safe. I was glued to the weather channel over here. I feel sad for those that did lose their things. Love you guys.